Other Writing
In addition to poetry and dance criticism, I often write about poetry, fiction, and other arts. Here you will find a selection of my other critical prose.
Clicking on a colored title will take you to the complete article.
Visual Art
“The Mixologist: Painter Anne Diggory’s Photo Fusions.” Adirondack Life, March-April 2015.
Adirondack Life magazine invited me to profile the painter Anne Diggory, who happens to be a good friend. It gave us an excuse to continue our running dialogue on painting, perception, poetics, and punning both literary and visual. As detailed in my article, Anne's "hybrid visions" use photography, computer technology, and digital printing along with traditional painting techniques to create works that range from painterly to hyperreal in the same image.
Making Waves, the work reproduced at left, depicts Sand Pond, in New York's Adirondack Mountains, location of my family's inspiring rural retreat. (That's my swim towel on the rock.)
Clicking on the image will take you to the website for Anne's 2014 Hybrid Visions exhibition at the Hyde Collection, Glens Falls, New York. Learn more about her work at www.diggory.com.
Anne Diggory, Making Waves, 2009. Hybrid on canvas, 36" x 48."
Literary Essays and Reviews
"Gifts from Dan." Per Contra 27 (2013).
This tribute to poet and scholar Daniel G. Hoffman, part of a collection intended to celebrate his 90th birthday, appeared shortly after his death. It quotes from my discussion in The Southern Review of Beyond Silence, his 2003 volume of new and selected poems.