Write me if you'd like to discuss. . . .
1. My Books. If you have difficulty obtaining any of my books, or if you would like to purchase a collector's edition, let me know.
2. Poetry Readings and Talks. I am available to give readings of my work and talks about poetry, and to visit high school, college, and graduate-level writing courses to discuss poetry and my work. I am also available for public lectures on poetry, and on poetry and other arts, including visual art and dance.
3. Workshops. I have conducted poetry-writing workshops for age groups ranging from middle-school students to senior citizens, and for constituencies ranging from college students to prison inmates.
4. My Work. I welcome your comments and questions about my poetry and my literary and dance criticism.
5. Joining My Dance Email List. List members receive my dance reviews, essays, and interviews as they appear in The Hopkins Review and Ballet Review, and links to my daily reviews of Saratoga Springs summer dance events as they appear in The Saratogian, including the summer season of the New York City Ballet .